The adage "there are no stupid questions" is highly relevant when it comes to
navigating the intricacies of the American healthcare industry, particularly
in relation to health insurance. However, numerous employees encounter
significant challenges merely trying to determine where to begin when
selecting health insurance that aligns with their needs and those of their
families. Understanding how to effectively utilize their benefits to save
money for themselves and their companies is an additional hurdle.
According to a 2021 survey conducted by Bend Financial, a staggering 56% of
Americans feel utterly bewildered in their attempts to comprehend their health
insurance. Moreover, this number rises to 75% among individuals covered under
a family member's job-based health plan. The survey revealed several
noteworthy insights:
- When asked about the most confusing aspect of health insurance, 52% of respondents mentioned the difficulty in determining what counts towards their deductible.
- Almost half of the participants expressed confusion about which procedures are covered or the criteria for in-network versus out-of-network care.
- Astonishingly, 65% of respondents incorrectly believed that Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) are synonymous.
The situation worsens when employees fear being perceived as foolish or
unintelligent for asking questions directly to their human resources
department or during employee meetings. This lack of clarity and understanding
results in financial losses and wasted time for employees, their families, and
their employers.
This predicament presents an opportunity for brokers to become indispensable
resources for employers and their workforce, assuming the role of trusted
advisors to support overwhelmed HR and benefits leaders. Employers offering
health insurance benefits must ensure that their employees possess the
necessary knowledge to select and navigate this valuable offering. Below are
several strategies that brokers can share with their clients, focusing on two
key areas: communication and engagement.
Brokers and employee communication
employee communication about health insurance, which is crucial for employees
to comprehend their benefits and make informed decisions. Here are five ways
brokers can enhance this communication:
Destigmatize asking questions: Brokers serve as a point of contact for
employees, encouraging them to raise concerns and inquiries related to
insurance. By simplifying complex concepts and using real-life examples,
brokers can help employees feel more comfortable asking informed questions and
understanding their options.
Ensure employees know who to contact: Brokers can assist HR leaders by
providing online tools and user-friendly portals that make it easier for
employees to reach the appropriate customer service representatives at
insurance companies. These resources can include educational videos,
frequently asked questions (FAQs), and other helpful materials.
Maintain year-round communication: Brokers often have access to updated
changes in insurance plans, rules, and regulations before HR professionals and
employees do. By providing regular updates, brokers can keep employees
well-informed about any modifications in insurance policies or coverage,
strengthening their relationship with employers.
Provide consistent documentation: Brokers can support both clients and
employees by delivering comprehensive documentation, including text and video
materials, on how the insurance plan works, the benefits of preventive health,
and health insurance terminology. By using simple language, breaking down
complex concepts, and presenting relevant examples, brokers can ensure
employees fully understand these crucial aspects.
Offer employee lunch-and-learns: Brokers can organize sessions where
they lead or share knowledge with carrier representatives. These sessions can
include one-on-one consultations to address individual employee concerns and
assist them in choosing the most suitable insurance plans based on their needs
and budget. Brokers can leverage interactive communication formats, such as
workshops or webinars, to enhance engagement and ensure all employees have
access to these valuable sessions.
Brokers and employee engagement
Maintaining employee engagement is a critical component of organizational
success. It necessitates continuous nurturing and improvement, activities in
which brokers play a pivotal role.
1. Administer year-round surveys to gather feedback on processes, employee
sentiments regarding benefits, and more. This approach not only enables
organizations and brokers to regularly obtain valuable insights into benefits
processes, but also shows employees that their opinions are valued and
acknowledged. By collaborating with a suitable benefits administration vendor,
brokers can effectively devise and implement surveys that target relevant
aspects of health insurance, such as employee satisfaction, work culture, job
roles, management style, and more. The data obtained from these surveys
provides brokers and employers with invaluable insights to shape and enhance
internal strategies, thereby fostering increased employee engagement.
2. Conduct pre-open enrollment surveys to identify areas of confusion. By
incorporating feedback from these surveys into their communication strategies,
brokers can enhance clarity and boost engagement. With the information
gathered, brokers can tailor their communication approach to address areas of
confusion effectively. This proactive approach not only resolves
misconceptions but also instills trust and confidence in employees regarding
the broker's commitment to act in their best interests. By eliminating
ambiguities and presenting clear information, brokers not only simplify the
enrollment process for employees but also elevate levels of employee
engagement, contributing positively to overall workplace satisfaction and
3. Provide decision support tools during open enrollment. Brokers can play a
crucial role in alleviating the often overwhelming and perplexing open
enrollment process by partnering with a benefits administration vendor that
offers decision support functionality. Decision support tools provide
employees with a comprehensive understanding of the different coverage options
available, decode complex terms, and explain the advantages and limitations of
each plan. These tools empower employees to make informed comparisons,
considering their unique needs and preferences. Easily accessible online tools
assist employees in identifying cost-saving opportunities by analyzing factors
such as premiums, deductibles, and copayments, while also streamlining the
decision-making process during open enrollment.
Brokers accomplish multiple outcomes when they provide employers with proven,
effective, and readily implementable recommendations and strategies to enhance
communication and employee engagement regarding healthcare benefits. They
enhance employee comprehension of this valuable company offering, enable
employees to become better healthcare consumers, and instill confidence in
their decision-making process when selecting their benefits.
The final results encompass increased employee satisfaction with their plans,
a sense of empowerment in managing their healthcare, and an enhanced overall
employee experience.
Jasper Purvis serves as the Vice President of Business Development for
Selerix, a reputable provider of benefits administration solutions for
employers and carriers.